-- $Source#
-- *****************************************************************
-- CISCO-RMON-CONFIG-MIB.my:  Cisco RMON Configuration Extensions
-- January 1998, Andy Bierman
-- February 2001, Edward Pham
-- Copyright (c) 1998-2001, 2003-2005, 2007-2008 by cisco Systems Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *****************************************************************


        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
        FROM SNMPv2-TC
        FROM IF-MIB

    LAST-UPDATED    "200804040000Z"
    ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
            "Cisco Systems
            Customer Service

            Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
            San Jose, CA  95134

            Tel: +1 800 553-NETS

            E-mail: cs-rmon@cisco.com"
        "This module defines configuration extensions for
        some of the IETF RMON MIBs.

        The following terms are used throughout this MIB:

           A SPAN session is an association of one or more 
           destination(s) with a set of source(s), along with
           other parameters, to specify the network traffic to be
           monitored. Each SPAN session is denoted by an unique

           The term 'remote SPAN', also called 'RSPAN', refers to 
           the analysis of network traffic remotely, from 
           destination port(s) for one or more source ports, 
           distributed in one or more switches in a switched
           network, through a RSPAN VLAN."
    REVISION        "200804040000Z"
        "Add crcSpanCapacityGroup."
    REVISION        "200602210000Z"
        "Add TC SpanTxReplicationMode and object group
    REVISION        "200509281210Z"
        "Add crcERSpanIFOptionGroup and deprecate
    REVISION        "200505020000Z"
        "Add crcSpanSessionDescr and value 'localTx'
        to portCopySessionType."
    REVISION        "200501240000Z"
        "Add MIB group crcSpanDstPermitListGroup."
    REVISION        "200402040000Z"
        "Updated crcERSpanSessionType."
    REVISION        "200402030000Z"
        "Add the following MIB objects:
    REVISION        "200304290000Z"
        "Added the portCopyInpktVlan MIB object.
        Add the following bit definitions to the existing 
        MIB object portCopyOption:
    REVISION        "200210080000Z"
        "Added rmonMaxAlarms and rmonAlarmEnable."
    REVISION        "200104010000Z"
        "Add the portCopyReflectorPort MIB object"
    REVISION        "200102220000Z"
        "Add the following MIB objects:
    REVISION        "9812010000Z"
        "Updated the portCopyXTable;
        portCopyDirection moved to SMON standard, and
        multiple VLANs per source port now supported."
    ::= { ciscoMgmt 103 }

ciscoRmonConfigObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigMIB 1 }

ciscoRmonConfigNotifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigMIB 2 }

ciscoRmonConfigConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigMIB 3 }

ciscoRmon2ConfigObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigObjects 1 }

ciscoSmonConfigObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigObjects 2 }

ciscoSampleConfigObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigObjects 3 }

ciscoAlarmConfigObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigObjects 4 }

ciscoSpanTxReplicationObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigObjects 5 }

ciscoSpanCapacityObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigObjects 6 }

-- Textual Conventions

SpanTxReplicationMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS          current
        "Describes whether egress SPAN packets replication is
        centralized in the device or distributed to where 
        traffic is sourced."
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {

-- Extensions to the RMON-2 MIB

rmonTimeFilterMode OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
        "This object controls the way the SNMP agent implements the
        getnext operation for tables with a TimeFilter index, such
        as those found in the RMON2-MIB module.

        If this object has the value `stopAfterOne(1)', then a GetNext
        or GetBulk operation will provide one pass through a given 
        table, i.e., the agent will continue to the next object or 
        table, instead of incrementing a TimeMark INDEX value, even if
        there exists higher TimeMark values which are valid for
        the same conceptual row.

        This mode is not strictly compliant with the TimeFilter textual
        convention definition, because potentially many conceptual rows
        will be skipped instead of returned in a GetNext or GetBulk
        operation.  Such rows are identical to each other, except for
        the returned TimeMark INDEX value. This mode is intended only
        for testing purposes, however it may also be useful if an NMS
        wishes to utilize the GetBulk PDU. This mode will prevent the
        GetBulk responses from containing duplicate rows due to the
        TimeFilter mechanism.

        If this object has the value `stopAfterAll(2)', then a getNext
        or getBulk MIB walk will repeat through the same MIB table 
        until the TimeMark for the most-recently changed entry is 
        reached. Note that as long as traffic occurs on the monitored 
        interface, it is possible a highest value of the TimeFilter 
        INDEX may never be reached. This mode is strictly compliant 
        with the TimeFilter textual convention definition.  Note that 
        GetBulk PDU responses in this mode will likely contain multiple
        copies of the same MIB instances, differing only in the 
        TimeMark INDEX value.

        As an example, consider row 'fooEntry' which was last updated
        at 'time 1000'. An NMS may use any TimeMark INDEX value in the
        range '0' to '1000', and the current (i.e., time of get 
        request) counter values for the 'fooEntry' will be returned by
        agent. In the 'stopAfterOne' mode, the agent will not increment
        the fooEntry TimeMark index under any conditions. In the
        'stopAfterAll' mode, the agent will increment any fooEntry
        TimeMark INDEX value in the range '0' to '999', up until
        the TimeMark value of '1000' is reached."
    DEFVAL          { stopAfterAll } 
    ::= { ciscoRmon2ConfigObjects 1 }
-- Extensions to the SMON MIB

portCopyXTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF PortCopyXEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "This table extends the port copy capability found in the
        SMON MIB portCopyTable. This table is intended to augment 
        every portCopyEntry, but not all features provided may be 
        available on all RMON platforms. In such a case, a 
        particular MIB object will be implemented with read-only 
    ::= { ciscoSmonConfigObjects 1 }

portCopyXEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          PortCopyXEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Describes a particular port copy extension entry.

        When creating an entry in this table using the 'createAndwait'
        method, the following rules are applied:

        - no SPAN consistency check is done for the entry until
        the entry is activated.  An entry will not be activated
        if it fails the SPAN consistency check described for
        the 'createAndGo' method.

        -an instance remains in the 'notReady' state until the
        associated portCopyStatus changes to 'active'.

        When the agent processes a request of adding an entry
        using 'createAndGo' method or a request that sets the value
        of portCopyStatus object to 'active', the following rules
        are applied:

        The agent will add the entry to a SPAN session having the same
        portCopySessionNo, or create a new session if it does not
        exist. To join an existing session, either portCopySource or
        portCopyDest, but not both, must exist in one of the entries
        from the same SPAN session. In addition, the following actions
        will be taken after a successful join:

        1. The portCopyDirection, portCopyLoVlanMask, and
           portCopyHiVlanMask values will overwrite the existing
           values associated with this port copy session.

        2. The portCopyDestLoVlanMask, portCopyDestHiVlanMask, and
           portCopyOption values will overwrite the existing values
           associated the same portCopyDest and this port copy session.

        3. If the value of portCopyDest object does not exist in the
           existing SPAN session, each of the ports identified in the
           portCopySource is added to this SPAN session. 
           For example, given an existing SPAN session having ports 
           1, 2, and 3 as source ports, and port A as the destination
           port, if an entry is added by an NMS with indices of (2,B),
           the agent will also add entries for the other source ports
           (e.g. (1,B) and (3,B)) to the session.  The same algorithm
           for adding entries will be applied if the portCopySource
           does not already belong to this SPAN session.

        When the agent processes a request to change the RowStatus of
        an entry from 'active' to 'notInService', the following
        rules are applied:

        - That entry will be removed from its participating SPAN 
        session. The new RowStatus state will be 'notInService'.

        - all entries in the table that have the same value of
        portCopySessionNo and same value of portCopySource are
        also set to 'NotInService'.

        When agent processes a request to delete an entry, the
        following rules are applied:

        - the entry is simply removed if it is not currently active.

        - if the portCopySessionNo value is non-zero and the value of
        portCopyRemoveSrc object is set to 'true', then all entries 
        with the same value of portCopySessionNo and same value of 
        portCopySource are deleted.

        - if the portCopySessionNo value is non-zero and the value of
        portCopyRemoveSrc object is set to 'false', then all entries
        with the same value of portCopySessionNo and same
        value of portCopyDest are deleted.

        - if the last portCopy entry is removed from a session, 
        then the session information is also removed."
    AUGMENTS           { portCopyEntry  } 
    ::= { portCopyXTable 1 }

PortCopyXEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        portCopyLoVlanMask     OCTET STRING,
        portCopyHiVlanMask     OCTET STRING,
        portCopyDestLoVlanMask OCTET STRING,
        portCopyDestHiVlanMask OCTET STRING,
        portCopyOption         BITS,
        portCopySessionNo      Integer32,
        portCopySessionType    INTEGER ,
        portCopyRemoveSrc      TruthValue,
        portCopyReflectorPort  InterfaceIndex,
        portCopyInpktVlan      Unsigned32

portCopyLoVlanMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (0..256))
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "This object affects the way VLAN-based traffic is copied from
        a switch source port, for the indicated port copy operation. 
        It is used in tandem with the portCopyHiVlanMask to 
        identify all possible 4096 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID values. 
        This object is used to select or deselect VLAN IDs 
        0 though 2047. 

        If this object contains a zero-length string, or none 
        of the octets contain a non-zero value, and the 
        associated portCopyHiVlanMask is not instantiated, 
        contains a zero-length string, or contains only 
        zero-valued octets, then network traffic will not 
        be filtered, based on IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before 
        it is copied to the indicated destination port. 

        If this object has a non-zero length, and at least 
        one octet contains a non-zero value, or the 
        portCopyHiVlanMask contains at least one non-zero octet, 
        then traffic will be filtered, based on the indicated 
        IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before it is copied to the 
        indicated destination port. Only frames (tagged or 
        untagged) which match the indicated VLAN ID(s) will be 
        copied to the indicated destination port. 

        VLAN IDs are encoded as a string of octets containing 
        one bit per VLAN to be included in the port copy operation. 
        The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 
        of 0 through 7; the second octet to VLANs 8 through 15; etc. 
        The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the 
        lowest value VlanIndex in that octet.  If the bit 
        corresponding to a VLAN is set to '1', then the traffic 
        associated with that VLAN will be selected for the 
        indicated port copy operation. 

        Note that if the length of this string is less than 
        256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain 
        the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets 
        from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size, 
        and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets, 
        to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs. 

        The creation and deletion of instances of this object is 
        controlled by the portCopyStatus object found in the 
        augmented portCopyEntry.  It is an implementation-specific 
        matter as to how many VLANs may be selected from a 
        particular physical source port at any one time, or whether 
        this object may be modified while the associated 
        portCopyStatus object is equal to 'active'."
    DEFVAL          { ''H } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 1 }

portCopyHiVlanMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (0..256))
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "This object affects the way VLAN-based traffic is copied from
        a switch source port, for the indicated port copy operation. 
        It is used in tandem with the portCopyLoVlanMask to 
        identify all possible 4096 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID values. 
        This object is used to select or deselect VLAN IDs 
        2048 though 4095. 

        If this object contains a zero-length string, or none 
        of the octets contain a non-zero value, and the 
        associated portCopyLoVlanMask is not instantiated, 
        contains a zero-length string, or contains only 
        zero-valued octets, then network traffic will not 
        be filtered, based on IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before 
        it is copied to the indicated destination port. 

        If this object has a non-zero length, and at least 
        one octet contains a non-zero value, or the 
        portCopyLoVlanMask contains at least one non-zero octet, 
        then traffic will be filtered, based on the indicated 
        IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before it is copied to the 
        indicated destination port. Only frames (tagged or 
        untagged) which match the indicated VLAN ID(s) will be 
        copied to the indicated destination port. 

        VLAN IDs are encoded as a string of octets containing 
        one bit per VLAN to be included in the port copy operation. 
        The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 
        of 2048 through 2055; the second octet to VLANs 2056 through 
        2063; etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds 
        to the lowest value VlanIndex in that octet.  If the bit 
        corresponding to a VLAN is set to '1', then the traffic 
        associated with that VLAN will be selected for the 
        indicated port copy operation. 

        Note that if the length of this string is less than 
        256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain 
        the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets 
        from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size, 
        and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets, 
        to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs. 

        The creation and deletion of instances of this object is 
        controlled by the portCopyStatus object found in the 
        augmented portCopyEntry.  It is an implementation-specific 
        matter as to how many VLANs may be selected from a 
        particular physical source port at any one time, or whether 
        this object may be modified while the associated 
        portCopyStatus object is equal to 'active'."
    DEFVAL          { ''H } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 2 }

portCopyDestLoVlanMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (0..256))
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "This object affects the way VLAN-based traffic to a switch
        destination port is filtered for the indicated port copy 
        operation. It is used in tandem with the 
        portCopyDestHiVlanMask to identify all possible 4096 IEEE 
        802.1Q VLAN ID values. This object is used to select or 
        deselect VLAN IDs 0 though 2047. 

        If this object contains a zero-length string, or none 
        of the octets contain a non-zero value, and the 
        associated portCopyDestHiVlanMask is not instantiated, 
        contains a zero-length string, or contains only 
        zero-valued octets, then network traffic will not 
        be filtered, based on IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before 
        it is copied to the indicated destination port. 

        If this object has a non-zero length, and at least 
        one octet contains a non-zero value, or the 
        portCopyDestHiVlanMask contains at least one non-zero octet, 
        then traffic will be filtered, based on the indicated 
        IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before it is copied to the 
        indicated destination port. Only frames (tagged or 
        untagged) which match the indicated VLAN ID(s) will be 
        copied to the indicated destination port. If a VLAN is
        included in the portCopyDestLoVlanMask object, it should 
        also be included in the portCopyLoVlanMask object and 
        vice versa.

        VLAN IDs are encoded as a string of octets containing 
        one bit per VLAN to be included in the port copy operation. 
        The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 
        of 0 through 7; the second octet to VLANs 8 through 15; etc. 
        The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the 
        lowest value VlanIndex in that octet.  If the bit 
        corresponding to a VLAN is set to '1', then the traffic 
        associated with that VLAN will be selected for the 
        indicated port copy operation. 

        Note that if the length of this string is less than 
        256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain 
        the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets 
        from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size, 
        and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets, 
        to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs. 

        The creation and deletion of instances of this object is 
        controlled by the portCopyStatus object found in the 
        augmented portCopyEntry.  It is an implementation-specific 
        matter as to how many VLANs may be selected from a 
        particular physical source port at any one time, or whether 
        this object may be modified while the associated 
        portCopyStatus object is equal to 'active'."
    DEFVAL          { ''H } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 3 }

portCopyDestHiVlanMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (0..256))
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "This object affects the way VLAN-based traffic to a switch
        destination port is filtered for the indicated port copy 
        operation. It is used in tandem with the 
        portCopyDestLoVlanMask to identify all possible 4096 IEEE 
        802.1Q VLAN ID values. This object is used to select or 
        deselect VLAN IDs 2048 though 4095. 

        If this object contains a zero-length string, or none 
        of the octets contain a non-zero value, and the 
        associated portCopyDestLoVlanMask is not instantiated, 
        contains a zero-length string, or contains only 
        zero-valued octets, then network traffic will not 
        be filtered, based on IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before 
        it is copied to the indicated destination port. 

        If this object has a non-zero length, and at least 
        one octet contains a non-zero value, or the 
        portCopyDestLoVlanMask contains at least one non-zero octet, 
        then traffic will be filtered, based on the indicated 
        IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before it is copied to the 
        indicated destination port. Only frames (tagged or 
        untagged) which match the indicated VLAN ID(s) will be 
        copied to the indicated destination port. If a VLAN is
        included in the portCopyDestHiVlanMask object, it should
        also be included in the portCopyHiVlanMask object and
        vice versa.

        VLAN IDs are encoded as a string of octets containing 
        one bit per VLAN to be included in the port copy operation. 
        The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values 
        of 2048 through 2055; the second octet to VLANs 2056 through 
        2063; etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds 
        to the lowest value VlanIndex in that octet.  If the bit 
        corresponding to a VLAN is set to '1', then the traffic 
        associated with that VLAN will be selected for the 
        indicated port copy operation. 

        Note that if the length of this string is less than 
        256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain 
        the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets 
        from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size, 
        and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets, 
        to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs. 

        The creation and deletion of instances of this object is 
        controlled by the portCopyStatus object found in the 
        augmented portCopyEntry.  It is an implementation-specific 
        matter as to how many VLANs may be selected from a 
        particular physical source port at any one time, or whether 
        this object may be modified while the associated 
        portCopyStatus object is equal to 'active'."
    DEFVAL          { ''H } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 4 }

portCopyOption OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Indicates the additional SPAN configuration on destination
        port. Instances of same portCopyDest index must have same 
        values in portCopyOption. Changes on portCopyOption of 
        one instance will be applied to all other instances of 
        same portCopyDest index. 

        - inpkts(0) 
          This bit is set to enable the destination port to 
          receive normal incoming traffic. 

        - learningDisable(1) 
          This bit is set to suppress MAC learning for incoming 
          traffic at the destination port. 

        - dot1q(2) 
          This bit is set for dot1q trunking encapsulation of 
          forwarded traffic at the destination port. This bit can
          not be set when isl(3) bit is 1. 

        - isl(3) 
          This bit is set for isl trunking encapsulation of 
          forwarded traffic at the destination port. This bit can
          not be set when dot1q(2) bit is 1.

        - multicast(4) 
          This bit is set to enable the destination port to 
          receive multicast traffic.

        - unicastDisable(5) 
          This bit is set to disable the destination port to 
          receive unicast traffic.

        - broadcastDisable(6) 
          This bit is set to disable the destination port to 
          receive broadcast traffic.

        - goodDisable(7) 
          This bit is set to disable the destination port to 
          receive good packets.

        - badDisable(8) 
          This bit is set to disable the destination port to 
          receive bad packets."
    DEFVAL          { {  } } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 5 }

portCopySessionNo OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..2147483647 )
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Indicates the arbitrary unique identifier for this
        SPAN session.

        If a non zero value is specified, the agent will check 
        if a SPAN session that has the same session number exists. 
        If so, the agent will use this session number when this
        entry is activated.  This entry will be added to the existing
        SPAN session (identified by all entries with the same
        portCopySessionNo value).  If no such session exists, a new 
        SPAN session is created and assigned the specified value.

        Otherwise, the agent will check if the destination port
        belongs to an existing SPAN session. If so, the agent
        will assign that session number when this entry is activated.
        This entry will be added to the existing SPAN session 
        (identified by all entries with the same portCopySessionNo 
        value).  If no such session exists, a new 
        SPAN session is created and assigned an arbitrary, locally
        unique value.

        If the associated portCopyStatus object is equal to 'active', 
        then this object may not be modified."
    DEFVAL          { 0 } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 6 }

portCopySessionType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
                        notSpecified(1), -- session type not specified
                        local(2), -- local session
                        remoteSource(3), -- remote source  session
                        remoteDestination(4), -- remote destination
                                              --  session
                        localTx(5) -- local session Tx only                        
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Indicates the SPAN session type.

        'remoteSource' refers to session where traffic is copied from
        source port to RSPAN VLAN as its destination port. 

        'remoteDestination' refers to session where traffic is copied
        from RSPAN VLAN to the destination port.

        For 'local' SPAN session, both source and destination ports
        reside in the same switch. 

        'localTx' refers to session where only traffic transmitted out
        the indicated source port will be copied to the destination
        port, i.e. the corresponding portCopyDirection can only have
        the value of 'copyTxOnly'.

        In a set operation, agent will decide the actual SPAN type
        for the session if this MIB object is 'notSpecified' based on
        type of source and destination ports. A read operation will
        return one of the other three types. 

        Changes on portCopySessionType of one entry will be applied
        to all existing active entries having the same value of
        portCopySessionNo if such change is allowed by the

        If the associated portCopyStatus object is equal to 'active',
        then this object may not be modified."
    DEFVAL          { notSpecified } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 7 }

portCopyRemoveSrc OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Indicates how the agent will modify a SPAN session when an
        entry belonging to this session is deleted. 

        The value 'true' specifies source port based entry deletion. 
        In source port based deletion, all entries of same index 
        portCopySource from the session are to be deleted. 

        The value 'false' specifies destination based entry deletion. 
        In destination port based deletion, all entries of same 
        index portCopyDest from the session are to be deleted."
    DEFVAL          { true } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 8 }

portCopyReflectorPort OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Indicates the reflector port of this SPAN session. The value
        of this object is ignored whenever the value of 
        portCopySessionType is not remoteSource(3)." 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 9 }

portCopyInpktVlan OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..4095 )
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "This object indicates the default VLAN that is used for the
        untagged incoming traffic from the portCopyDest when
        portCopyOption's inpkts bit is set. The range is defined  to
        identify all possible 4096 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID values although
        only 1 - 4094 are valid VLAN IDs that could be configured as
        the default VLAN for the untagged incoming traffic. 

        If this object contains a value of zero and portCopyOption's
        inpkts bit is set, then the switch is free to use its default 
        VLAN for untagged incoming packets. On platforms that do not
        have a dedicated default VLAN for this purpose, error is

        If portCopyOption's inpkts bit is not set or isl bit is set,
        the value in this object is ignored by the agent."
    DEFVAL          { 0 } 
    ::= { portCopyXEntry 10 }

portCopyMaxIngressSessions OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..65535 )
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "The maximum number of local ingress (rx or both) SPAN
        session that can be configured on this agent." 
    ::= { ciscoSmonConfigObjects 2 }

portCopyMaxEgressSessions OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..65535 )
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "The maximum number of local egress SPAN sessions that
        can be configured on this agent." 
    ::= { ciscoSmonConfigObjects 3 }
-- SPAN Session

crcSpanSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CrcSpanSessionEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Contains SPAN session entries. A row is created for each
        SPAN session configured in a device."
    ::= { ciscoSmonConfigObjects 4 }

crcSpanSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          CrcSpanSessionEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Describes a particular SPAN session."
    INDEX           { crcSpanSessionNo } 
    ::= { crcSpanSessionTable 1 }

CrcSpanSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        crcSpanSessionNo      Unsigned32,
        crcSpanSessionType    INTEGER ,
        crcSpanSessionEnabled TruthValue,
        crcSpanSessionDescr   SnmpAdminString

crcSpanSessionNo OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Defines a SPAN session number." 
    ::= { crcSpanSessionEntry 1 }

crcSpanSessionType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
                        local(1), -- local SPAN
                        remote(2), -- remote SPAN
                        erspan(3), -- ERSPAN
                        service(4), -- special service
                        other(5) -- other session type                        
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the SPAN session type.

        'local' refers to SPAN session where both source and destination
        ports reside in the same switch.  This type of SPAN is
        manageable via portCopyTable and portCopyXTable.

        'remote' refers to session where traffic is copied from
        source port to RSPAN VLAN as its destination port or vise versa.
        This type of SPAN is manageable via portCopyTable and

        'erspan' refers to a session where traffic is copied from
        crcERSpanIFIndex of crcERSpanIFTable as source to crcERSpanIp
        as destination or vise versa. This type of SPAN is manageable 
        via crcERSpanSessionTable and crcERSpanIFTable. 

        'service' refers to special SPAN service session.

        'other' refers to any other SPAN session type not enumerated for
        the MIB object." 
    ::= { crcSpanSessionEntry 2 }

crcSpanSessionEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
        "Indicates whether the SPAN session is enabled.

        Modifying the value of crcSpanSessionEnabled to 'false' 
        stops the SPAN monitoring but does not remove this SPAN
        configuration from the system."
    DEFVAL          { true } 
    ::= { crcSpanSessionEntry 3 }

crcSpanSessionDescr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
        "Provides description of this SPAN session." 
    ::= { crcSpanSessionEntry 4 }

-- ERSPAN Session

crcERSpanSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CrcERSpanSessionEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Contains ERSPAN session entries. A row is created for each
        SPAN session configured in a device. A row can  only be
        created if an instance of the same session number is not
        present in crcSpanSessionEntry. 

        ERSPAN, or  Encapsulated Remote SPAN, provides the ability to
        copy all frames from a specified source to a specified
        destination across a layer 3 network, allowing source and
        destination to be from different devices.

        Depending on type of ERSPAN, the source can be an interface
        from crcERSpanIFIndex of crcERSpanIFTable, the destination
        be a layer 3 internet address defined by crcERSpanIp of this
        table, or vise versa."
    ::= { ciscoSmonConfigObjects 5 }

crcERSpanSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          CrcERSpanSessionEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Describes a particular SPAN session."
    INDEX           { crcERSpanSessionNo } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionTable 1 }

CrcERSpanSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        crcERSpanSessionNo        Unsigned32,
        crcERSpanSessionType      INTEGER ,
        crcERSpanSessionDescr     SnmpAdminString,
        crcERSpanEncapID          Unsigned32,
        crcERSpanIpType           InetAddressType,
        crcERSpanIp               InetAddress,
        crcSrcERSpanIpTTL         Unsigned32,
        crcSrcERSpanDscpOrPrec    INTEGER ,
        crcSrcERSpanIpPrec        Unsigned32,
        crcSrcERSpanIpDscp        Dscp,
        crcERSpanIpVRF            SnmpAdminString,
        crcSrcERSpanLoVlanMask    OCTET STRING,
        crcSrcERSpanHiVlanMask    OCTET STRING,
        crcSrcERSpanOrigIpType    InetAddressType,
        crcSrcERSpanOrigIp        InetAddress,
        crcDstERSpanOption        BITS,
        crcERSpanSessionRowStatus RowStatus

crcERSpanSessionNo OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Defines an ERSPAN session number." 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 1 }

crcERSpanSessionType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
                        eRSpanSource(1), -- remote source ERSPAN
                                          -- remote destination ERSPAN                        
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the ERSPAN session type. This object may not be
        modified if the value of the corresponding instance of
        crcERSpanSessionRowStatus is active.

        'eRSpanSource' refers to a session where traffic is copied from
        crcERSpanIFIndex of crcERSpanIFTable as source to crcERSpanIp
        as destination.

        'eRSpanDestination' refers to a session where traffic is copied
        from crcERSpanIp as source to crcERSpanIFIndex of
        crcERSpanIFTable as destination."
    DEFVAL          { eRSpanSource } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 2 }

crcERSpanSessionDescr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Provides description of this ERSPAN session.

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { ''H } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 3 }

    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines ERSPAN's encapsulation id for this entry.

        This object may be modified when the row is active." 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 4 }

    SYNTAX          InetAddressType
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the type of Internet address for crcERSpanIp used by
        this entry.

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { ipv4 } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 5 }

    SYNTAX          InetAddress
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines Internet address of copy source or destination. If
        crcERSanSessionType has value of eRSpanSource(1), crcERSpanIp is
        a copy destination. If crcERSpanSessionType has value of
        eRSpanDestination(2), crcERSpanIp is a copy source.

        This object may be modified when the row is active." 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 6 }

    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..255 )
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "The IP TTL value for this traffic type.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanSource(1). 

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { 255 } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 7 }

crcSrcERSpanDscpOrPrec OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
                        dscp(1), -- dscp based
                        precedence(2) -- precedence based                        
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "The QOS classification used - precedence or DSCP based.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanSource(1).

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { dscp } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 8 }

    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..7 )
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "The IP precedence value for this traffic type.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanSource(1) and object crcSrcERSpanDscpOrPrec is

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { 0 } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 9 }

    SYNTAX          Dscp
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "The IP DSCP value for this traffic type.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanSource(1) and object crcSrcERSpanDscpOrPrec is

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { 0 } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 10 }

    SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Specifies VRF used for the traffic type.

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { ''H } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 11 }

crcSrcERSpanLoVlanMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (0..256))
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "This object affects the way VLAN-based traffic is copied from
        a switch source port, for the indicated port copy operation.
        It is used in tandem with the crcSrcERSpanHiVlanMask to
        identify all possible 4096 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID values.
        This object is used to select or deselect VLAN IDs
        0 though 2047.

        If this object contains a zero-length string, or none
        of the octets contain a non-zero value, and the
        associated crcSrcERSpanHiVlanMask is not instantiated,
        contains a zero-length string, or contains only
        zero-valued octets, then network traffic will not
        be filtered, based on IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before
        it is copied to the indicated destination.

        If this object has a non-zero length, and at least
        one octet contains a non-zero value, or the
        crcSrcERSpanHiVlanMask contains at least one non-zero octet,
        then traffic will be filtered, based on the indicated
        IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before it is copied to the
        indicated destination. Only frames (tagged or untagged)
        which match the indicated VLAN ID(s) will be copied to the
        indicated destination.

        VLAN IDs are encoded as a string of octets containing
        one bit per VLAN to be included in the port copy operation.
        The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
        of 0 through 7; the second octet to VLANs 8 through 15; etc.
        The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the
        lowest value VlanIndex in that octet.  If the bit
        corresponding to a VLAN is set to '1', then the traffic
        associated with that VLAN will be selected for the
        indicated port copy operation.

        Note that if the length of this string is less than
        256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain
        the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets
        from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size,
        and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets,
        to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanSource(1).

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { ''H } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 12 }

crcSrcERSpanHiVlanMask OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (0..256))
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "This object affects the way VLAN-based traffic is copied from
        a switch source port, for the indicated port copy operation.
        It is used in tandem with the crcSrcERSpanLoVlanMask to
        identify all possible 4096 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID values.
        This object is used to select or deselect VLAN IDs
        2048 though 4095.

        If this object contains a zero-length string, or none
        of the octets contain a non-zero value, and the
        associated crcSrcERSpanLoVlanMask is not instantiated,
        contains a zero-length string, or contains only
        zero-valued octets, then network traffic will not
        be filtered, based on IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before
        it is copied to the indicated destination.

        If this object has a non-zero length, and at least
        one octet contains a non-zero value, or the
        crcSrcERSpanLoVlanMask contains at least one non-zero octet,
        then traffic will be filtered, based on the indicated
        IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before it is copied to the
        indicated destination. Only frames (tagged or untagged)
        which match the indicated VLAN ID(s) will be copied to the
        indicated destination.

        VLAN IDs are encoded as a string of octets containing
        one bit per VLAN to be included in the port copy operation.
        The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
        of 2048 through 2055; the second octet to VLANs 2056 through
        2063; etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds
        to the lowest value VlanIndex in that octet.  If the bit
        corresponding to a VLAN is set to '1', then the traffic
        associated with that VLAN will be selected for the
        indicated port copy operation.

        Note that if the length of this string is less than
        256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain
        the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets
        from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size,
        and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets,
        to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanSource(1).

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { ''H } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 13 }

crcSrcERSpanOrigIpType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          InetAddressType
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the type of Internet address for crcSrcERSpanOrigIp
        used by this entry.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanSource(1).

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { ipv4 } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 14 }

    SYNTAX          InetAddress
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the Internet address of copy source.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanSource(1).

        This object may be modified when the row is active." 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 15 }

crcDstERSpanOption OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Indicates the additional ERSPAN configuration on destination

        - inpkts(0)
          This bit is set to enable the destination port to receive
          incoming traffic.

        - learningDisable(1)
          This bit is set to suppress MAC learning for incoming
          traffic at the destination port.

        This object only takes effect when object crcERSpanSessionType
        is eRSpanDestination(2) and crcERSpanIfIndex of same ERSPAN 
        session from crcERSpanIFTable points to a physical port.

        This object may be modified when the row is active.

        This object is deprecated and replaced by crcERSpanIFOption."
    DEFVAL          { {  } } 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 16 }

crcERSpanSessionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the status of this  entry." 
    ::= { crcERSpanSessionEntry 17 }

-- -
-- - ERPSAN interface table
-- -

    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CrcERSpanIFEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "This table in conjunction with crcERSpanSessionTable,
        provides the ability to copy all frames from a specified 
        source to a specified destination across a layer 3

        A row is created for each interface from ifEntries that
        is configured as ERSPAN source or destination while 
        crcERSpanSessionRowStatus is active(1) for the corresponding
    ::= { ciscoSmonConfigObjects 6 }

    SYNTAX          CrcERSpanIFEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Describes a particular ERSPAN copy source or copy
        destination entry."
    INDEX           {
    ::= { crcERSpanIFTable 1 }

CrcERSpanIFEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        crcERSpanIFIndex     InterfaceIndex,
        crcERSpanIFDirection INTEGER ,
        crcERSpanIFRowStatus RowStatus,
        crcERSpanIFOption    BITS

    SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the device interface's ifIndex. Mapped via
        crcERSpanSessionNo, if crcERSanSessionType from 
        crcERSpanSessionTable has value of eRSpanSource(1),
        crcRSpanIFIndex is a copy source.  If crcERSpanSessionType
        has value of eRSpanDestination(2), crcRSpanIFIndex is a
        copy destination." 
    ::= { crcERSpanIFEntry 1 }

crcERSpanIFDirection OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "This object affects the way traffic is copied from a device's

        If this object has the value 'copyRxOnly(1)', then only
        traffic received on crcERSpanIFIndex will be copied
        to the destination.

        If this object has the value 'copyTxOnly(2)', then only
        traffic transmitted out the crcERSpanIFIndex will be
        copied to the destination.

        If this object has the value 'copyBoth(3)', then all traffic
        received or transmitted on crcERSpanIFIndex will be
        copied to the destination.

        This object is only significant when object crcERSpanSessionType
        of the corresponding crcERSpanSessionTable, mapped via 
        crcERSpanSessionNo, is eRSpanSource(1).

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { copyBoth } 
    ::= { crcERSpanIFEntry 2 }

    SYNTAX          RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the status of this  entry.

        For this object to be active(1), the crcERSpanSessionRowStatus
        from crcERSpanSessionTable, mapped via crcERSpanSessionNo,
        must be active(1). If the said crcERSpanSessionRowStatus 
        transistions to notInService(2) or destroy(6), all
        corresponding entries from crcERSpanIFTable will be deleted.

        In order to configure a source to destination traffic copy
        relationship, crcERSpanIFIndex  MUST be present as an 
        ifEntry in the ifTable and its respective ifAdminStatus and
        ifOperStatus values MUST be equal to 'up(1)'. If the value
        of any of those two objects changes after the 
        crcERSpanSessionEntry is activated, crcERSpanSessionRowStatus
        will transition to 'notReady(3)'.

        The capability of crcERSpanIFIndex to be source or
        destination of a port copy operation is described by the
        'copySourcePort(0)' and 'copyDestPort(1)' bits in
        dataSourceCopyCaps. Those bits SHOULD be appropriately set
        by the agent, in order to allow for a crcERSpanIFEntry to be
    ::= { crcERSpanIFEntry 3 }

    SYNTAX          BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Indicates the additional ERSPAN configuration on destination

        - inpkts
          This bit is set to enable the destination port to receive
          incoming traffic.

        - learningDisable
          This bit is set to suppress MAC learning for incoming
          traffic at the destination port.

        This object can only be modified when object
        crcERSpanSessionType of the corresponding
        crcERSpanSessionTable, mapped via crcERSpanSessionNo,
        is eRSpanDestination and the crcERSpanIfIndex points to a
        physical port.

        This object may be modified when the row is active."
    DEFVAL          { {  } } 
    ::= { crcERSpanIFEntry 4 }

-- Control of SPAN destination permit list

crcSpanDstPermitListEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
        "Indicates whether the SPAN destination permit list feature
        is enabled.

        When crcSpanDstPermitListEnabled is 'true', only ports 
        that have an entry in crcSpanDstPermitListTable are allowed
        to set as SPAN destination. There is no such restriction
        when crcSpanDstPermitListEnabled is 'false'." 
    ::= { ciscoSmonConfigObjects 7 }

crcSpanDstPermitListTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CrcSpanDstPermitListEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Contains a list of ports that are configured as allowed
        SPAN destination ports.

        Entry of portCopyTable with its portCopyDest can not be
        created if crcSpanDstPermitListEnabled is 'true' and a 
        corresponding entry does not exist in the
        crcSpanDstPermitListTable table. In other words the
        InterfaceIndex specified by portCopyDest object from
        SMON-MIB must match ifIndex of entries in this table."
    ::= { ciscoSmonConfigObjects 8 }

crcSpanDstPermitListEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          CrcSpanDstPermitListEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Describes a particular entry that can be set as SPAN
    INDEX           { ifIndex } 
    ::= { crcSpanDstPermitListTable 1 }

CrcSpanDstPermitListEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        crcSpanDstPermitListRowStatus RowStatus

crcSpanDstPermitListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
        "Defines the status of this entry.  An active entry
        means that the port of this ifIndex can be set as SPAN
        destination port.

        The valid values are active(1), createAndGo(4) and destroy(6)." 
    ::= { crcSpanDstPermitListEntry 1 }

-- Configuration of SPAN egress replication mode

crcSpanEgressReplicationMode OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SpanTxReplicationMode
    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
        "Describes where SPAN egress packets get replicated,
        centralized in the device or distributed to where traffic
        is sourced" 
    ::= { ciscoSpanTxReplicationObjects 1 }

crcSpanSessionEgressModeTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CrcSpanSessionEgressModeEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "A table containing operational SPAN egress packet replication mode
        for each SPAN session. A row is created for each SPAN session that 
        is capable of monitoring egress traffic in a device."
    ::= { ciscoSpanTxReplicationObjects 2 }

crcSpanSessionEgressModeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          CrcSpanSessionEgressModeEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Describes a particular SPAN session that is capable of monitoring
        egress traffic."
    INDEX           { crcSpanSessionNo } 
    ::= { crcSpanSessionEgressModeTable 1 }

CrcSpanSessionEgressModeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        crcSpanEgressReplicationOperMode SpanTxReplicationMode

crcSpanEgressReplicationOperMode OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SpanTxReplicationMode
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "The current egress replication mode in operation." 
    ::= { crcSpanSessionEgressModeEntry 1 }

-- SPAN resources capacity

crcSpanCapacityTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF CrcSpanCapacityEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "This table lists the resource capacity for each SPAN session
        type that is capable of providing such information."
    ::= { ciscoSpanCapacityObjects 1 }

crcSpanCapacityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          CrcSpanCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Indicating resource capacity and usage information for
        a particular SPAN capacity session type."
    INDEX           { crcSpanCapacityType } 
    ::= { crcSpanCapacityTable 1 }

CrcSpanCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        crcSpanCapacityType   INTEGER ,
        crcSpanCapacityShared INTEGER ,
        crcSpanMaxSession     Unsigned32,
        crcSpanUsedSession    Unsigned32

crcSpanCapacityType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
                        allSrc(1), -- all SPAN source
                        allDst(2), -- all SPAN destination
                        localSrc(3), -- local SPAN source
                        localTx(4), -- local SPAN source, Tx only
                        rspanSrc(5), -- remote SPAN source
                        rspanDst(6), -- remote SPAN destination
                        erspanSrc(7), -- ERSPAN source
                        erspanDst(8), -- ERSPAN destination
                        serviceModule(9), -- service module
                        oamLoopback(10), -- OAM loopback
                        capture(11) -- Packet Capture                        
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible 
    STATUS          current
        "Indicating the SPAN resource capacity session type.

        'allSrc' refers to all SPAN source sessions. 

        'allDst' refers to all SPAN destination sessions.

        'localSrc' refers to local SPAN session where both source
        and destination ports reside in the same switch.

        'localTx' refers to local Tx only SPAN session.

        'rspanSrc' refers to remote span source in a RSPAN session
        where traffic is copied from source port to RSPAN VLAN as
        its destination port.

        'rspanDst' refers to remote span destination in a RSPAN session
        where traffic is copied from RSPAN VLAN as its source to
        its destination port.

        'erspanSrc' refers to a session where traffic is copied from
        crcERSpanIFIndex of crcERSpanIFTable as source to crcERSpanIp
        as destination.

        'erspanDst' refers to a session where traffic is copied from
        crcERSpanIp as source to crcERSpanIFIndex of crcERSpanIFTable
        as destination.

        'serviceModule' refers to special SPAN service module session.

        'oamLoopback' refers to special SPAN service for OAM
        (Operations, Administration and Maintenance) loopback.

        'capture' refers to Packet Capture Span Session." 
    ::= { crcSpanCapacityEntry 1 }

crcSpanCapacityShared OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
                        none(1), -- none
                        source(2), -- shared source
                        destination(3) -- shared destination                        
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "Indicating the shared SPAN capacity type.

        'none' means the capacity is not shared out of
        crcSpanSharedSource or crcSpanSharedDestination.

        'source' means the capacity is counted against
        crcSpanSharedSource. The sum of crcSpanUsedSession for all
        entries with crcSpanCapacityShared being 'source' shall not
        exceed crcSpanSharedSource. 

        'destination' means the capacity is counted against
        crcSpanSharedDestination. The sum of crcSpanUsedSession
        for all entries with crcSpanCapacityShared being
        'destination' shall not exceed crcSpanSharedDestination." 
    ::= { crcSpanCapacityEntry 2 }

crcSpanMaxSession OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "The maximum number of sessions allowed for the SPAN type
        defined by crcSpanCapacityType.

        A value of zero indicates no specific limit for this SPAN
        capacity session type." 
    ::= { crcSpanCapacityEntry 3 }

crcSpanUsedSession OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "The number of sessions currently used for the SPAN capacity
        session type defined." 
    ::= { crcSpanCapacityEntry 4 }

crcSpanSharedSource OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "The number of maximum shared span source sessions." 
    ::= { ciscoSpanCapacityObjects 2 }

crcSpanSharedDestination OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
        "The number of maximum shared span destination sessions." 
    ::= { ciscoSpanCapacityObjects 3 }

-- Extensions to configure Statistical Sampling based collection
-- of the RMON-1, RMON-2, HC-RMON, and SMON MIBs.

rmonSampleConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF RmonSampleConfigEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "This table controls the configuration of RMON collection
        based on statistical sampling techniques, for each 
        monitored interface on the RMON probe. It is a SPARSE-AUGMENTS
        of the ifEntry found in the IF-MIB module.

        An entry is created in this table at the same time the 
        augmented ifEntry is created (usually at system startup time), 
        for each interface which can be monitored by the RMON agent.
        An associated entry in the SMON MIB dataSourceCapsTable is 
        also created for each RMON-capable interface at the same time.

        An RMON collection is associated with a particular
        interface if the control table dataSource OBJECT
        IDENTIFIER is of the form 'ifIndex.I', and 'I'
        is the same value as the ifIndex value for the 
        ifEntry and rmonSampleConfigEntry."
    ::= { ciscoSampleConfigObjects 1 }

rmonSampleConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          RmonSampleConfigEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "Describes a particular sampling configuration for the
        indicated RMON-capable interface."
    INDEX           { ifIndex } 
    ::= { rmonSampleConfigTable 1 }

RmonSampleConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        rmonSamplingEnabled TruthValue

rmonSamplingEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
        "This object affects the way the RMON probe uses statistical
        sampling to collect packets from the indicated interface.

        If this object has the value 'false', then the probe
        will attempt to monitor all packets detected on the 
        indicated interface, in the event any RMON collections are
        actually configured.  The data returned in all RMON collection
        tables associated with this interface will represent 
        non-sampled monitored counter values. 

        If this object has the value 'true', then the 
        probe will use adaptive statistical sampling techniques to 
        monitor the indicated interface, in the event any RMON 
        collections are actually configured.  The data returned
        in RMON collection tables associated with this interface
        may be based on statistical approximations. In this mode, the 
        RMON agent will also maintain additional MIB objects to provide
        the confidence interval information for each sampled counter. 
        These objects can be found in the CISCO-RMON-SAMPLING-MIB.

        When this object transitions from 'false' to 'true', 
        all active packet capture functions will be suspended,
        without affecting the contents of any associated 
        filterEntry, filter2Entry, channelEntry, channel2Entry,
        bufferControlEntry, captureBufferEntry, or
        captureBufferHighCapacityEntry. Only the low-level packet 
        capture processing is deactivated.

        When this object transitions from 'true' to 'false',
        all suspended packet capture functions associated
        with the interface will be reactivated. 

        Note that an NMS application which is unaware of this MIB 
        object will not be able to detect suspended packet capture 
        operations or sampled collections, however multi-manager 
        mis-configuration issues are beyond the scope of this MIB. 
        The packet capture function Get and Set operations are
        not affected by this object.

        If an interface cannot be sampled, or the sampling 
        configuration cannot be modified, then such an instance
        of this object will be implemented with read-only access."
    DEFVAL          { false } 
    ::= { rmonSampleConfigEntry 1 }

-- RMON Alarm config group
-- Objects to controls alarms of alarmTable RMON-MIB

rmonMaxAlarms OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..65535 )
    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
        "The maximum number of entries allowed in the
    DEFVAL          { 100 } 
    ::= { ciscoAlarmConfigObjects 1 }

rmonAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
        "This object determines if the RMON alarm feature is
        enabled/disabled on this device. If this object is set
        to 'true', the RMON alarm feature enabled. If this 
        object is 'false', RMON alarm feature is disabled.
        If the RMON feature is disabled, all the RMON alarm 
        related polling are stopped.

        Note that this object is only intended for temporary 
        disabling of RMON alarm feature to ensure that the 
        CPU usage by RMON alarms is not detrimental. For 
        permanent disabling on this feature, it suggested that
        all the entries in the alarmTable are removed."
    DEFVAL          { true } 
    ::= { ciscoAlarmConfigObjects 2 }
-- Notifications Section
-- (none defined)

-- Conformance Section

ciscoRmonConfigCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigConformance 1 }

ciscoRmonConfigGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigConformance 2 }

ciscoRmonConfigCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 1 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions3Group
        "The smonExtensions3Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 2 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions3Group
        "The smonExtensions3Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    GROUP           rmonAlarmConfigGroup
        "The rmonAlarmConfigGroup is not mandatory for systems which
        do not support RMON alarm controls as an extension to 

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 3 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    GROUP           rmonAlarmConfigGroup
        "The rmonAlarmConfigGroup is not mandatory for systems which
        do not support RMON alarm controls as an extension to 

    GROUP           smonExtensions8Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT          portCopyInpktVlan
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations which
        do not support portCopyOption's inpkts bit being set."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 4 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    GROUP           rmonAlarmConfigGroup
        "The rmonAlarmConfigGroup is not mandatory for systems which
        do not support RMON alarm controls as an extension to

    GROUP           smonExtensions8Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           crcSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement SPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcERSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSAPN."

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT          portCopyInpktVlan
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations which
        do not support portCopyOption's inpkts bit being set."

    OBJECT          crcSpanSessionEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required for SPAN session that
        can't be disabled."

    OBJECT          crcERSpanIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcSrcERSpanOrigIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcDstERSpanOption
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 5 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    GROUP           rmonAlarmConfigGroup
        "The rmonAlarmConfigGroup is not mandatory for systems which
        do not support RMON alarm controls as an extension to

    GROUP           smonExtensions8Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           crcSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement SPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcERSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSAPN."

    GROUP           crcSpanDstPermitListGroup
        "The crcSpanDstPermitListGroup is mandatory for systems
        which implement SPAN destination port permit list."

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT          portCopyInpktVlan
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations which
        do not support portCopyOption's inpkts bit being set."

    OBJECT          crcSpanSessionEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required for SPAN session that
        can't be disabled."

    OBJECT          crcERSpanIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcSrcERSpanOrigIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcDstERSpanOption
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 6 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev6 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    GROUP           rmonAlarmConfigGroup
        "The rmonAlarmConfigGroup is not mandatory for systems which
        do not support RMON alarm controls as an extension to

    GROUP           smonExtensions8Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           crcSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement SPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcERSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSAPN."

    GROUP           crcSpanDstPermitListGroup
        "The crcSpanDstPermitListGroup is mandatory for systems
        which implement SPAN destination port permit list."

    GROUP           smonExtensions9Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and SPAN session

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT          portCopyInpktVlan
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations which
        do not support portCopyOption's inpkts bit being set."

    OBJECT          crcSpanSessionEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required for SPAN session that
        can't be disabled."

    OBJECT          crcERSpanIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcSrcERSpanOrigIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcDstERSpanOption
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 7 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev7 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    GROUP           rmonAlarmConfigGroup
        "The rmonAlarmConfigGroup is not mandatory for systems which
        do not support RMON alarm controls as an extension to

    GROUP           smonExtensions8Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           crcSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement SPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanSessionGroupRev1
        "The crcERSpanSessionGroupRev1 is mandatory for systems
        which implement ERSPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSAPN."

    GROUP           crcSpanDstPermitListGroup
        "The crcSpanDstPermitListGroup is mandatory for systems
        which implement SPAN destination port permit list."

    GROUP           smonExtensions9Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and SPAN session

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFOptionGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        support ERSPAN destination port receiving incoming

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT          portCopyInpktVlan
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations which
        do not support portCopyOption's inpkts bit being set."

    OBJECT          crcSpanSessionEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required for SPAN session that
        can't be disabled."

    OBJECT          crcERSpanIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcSrcERSpanOrigIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 8 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev8 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          deprecated  -- superceded by ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev9 
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    GROUP           rmonAlarmConfigGroup
        "The rmonAlarmConfigGroup is not mandatory for systems which
        do not support RMON alarm controls as an extension to

    GROUP           smonExtensions8Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           crcSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement SPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanSessionGroupRev1
        "The crcERSpanSessionGroupRev1 is mandatory for systems
        which implement ERSPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSAPN."

    GROUP           crcSpanDstPermitListGroup
        "The crcSpanDstPermitListGroup is mandatory for systems
        which implement SPAN destination port permit list."

    GROUP           smonExtensions9Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and SPAN session

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFOptionGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        support ERSPAN destination port receiving incoming

    GROUP           crcSpanEgressReplicationGroup
        "The crcSpanEgressReplicationGroup is mandatory for
        systems which support SPAN egress replication mode

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT          portCopyInpktVlan
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations which
        do not support portCopyOption's inpkts bit being set."

    OBJECT          crcSpanSessionEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required for SPAN session that
        can't be disabled."

    OBJECT          crcERSpanIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcSrcERSpanOrigIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 9 }

ciscoRmonConfigComplianceRev9 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS          current
        "Describes the requirements for conformance to Cisco RMON
        Configuration Extensions MIB."
    MODULE          -- this module
    GROUP           rmon2ExtensionsGroup
        "The rmon2ExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]."

    GROUP           smonExtensionsGroup
        "The smonExtensionsGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions2Group
        "The smonExtensions2Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        vlan filtering at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           smonExtensions4Group
        "The smonExtensions4Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        SPAN session concept."

    GROUP           smonExtensions5Group
        "The smonExtensions5Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        local and remote SPAN."

    GROUP           smonExtensions6Group
        "The smonExtensions6Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613]."

    GROUP           smonExtensions7Group
        "The smonExtensions7Group is mandatory for systems which
        implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and require reflector

    GROUP           rmonSampleConfigGroup
        "The rmonSampleConfigGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement RMON instrumentation based on statistical sampling

    GROUP           rmonAlarmConfigGroup
        "The rmonAlarmConfigGroup is not mandatory for systems which
        do not support RMON alarm controls as an extension to

    GROUP           smonExtensions8Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and support
        additional configuration at SPAN destination port."

    GROUP           crcSpanSessionGroup
        "The crcSpanSessionGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement SPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanSessionGroupRev1
        "The crcERSpanSessionGroupRev1 is mandatory for systems
        which implement ERSPAN."

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        implement ERSAPN."

    GROUP           crcSpanDstPermitListGroup
        "The crcSpanDstPermitListGroup is mandatory for systems
        which implement SPAN destination port permit list."

    GROUP           smonExtensions9Group
        "The smonExtensions8Group is mandatory only for systems
        which implement the SMON-MIB [RFC 2613] and SPAN session

    GROUP           crcERSpanIFOptionGroup
        "The crcERSpanIFGroup is mandatory for systems which
        support ERSPAN destination port receiving incoming

    GROUP           crcSpanEgressReplicationGroup
        "The crcSpanEgressReplicationGroup is mandatory for
        systems which support SPAN egress replication mode

    GROUP           crcSpanCapacityGroup
        "The crcSpanCapacityGroup is mandatory for systems which
        provide SPAN capacity information."

    OBJECT          portCopyHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          portCopyDestHiVlanMask
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations
        which do not support VLAN IDs greater than 2047."

    OBJECT          rmonSamplingEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT          portCopyInpktVlan
    MIN-ACCESS      not-accessible
        "This object is not mandatory for implementations which
        do not support portCopyOption's inpkts bit being set."

    OBJECT          crcSpanSessionEnabled
    MIN-ACCESS      read-only
        "Write access is not required for SPAN session that
        can't be disabled."

    OBJECT          crcERSpanIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."

    OBJECT          crcSrcERSpanOrigIpType
    SYNTAX          INTEGER  {
        "Some systems may only allow version 4 IP address ipv4(1)."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigCompliances 10 }

rmon2ExtensionsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         { rmonTimeFilterMode }
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing configuration extensions
        for the RMON2-MIB module."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 1 }

smonExtensionsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing configuration extensions
        for the SMON-MIB module."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 2 }

rmonSampleConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         { rmonSamplingEnabled }
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing configuration extensions
        for RMON agent implementations which support statistical 
        sampling techniques."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 3 }

smonExtensions2Group OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing additional port copy
        configuration for destination vlan filtering for the 
        SMON-MIB module."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 4 }

smonExtensions3Group OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         { portCopyOption }
    STATUS          deprecated
        "A collection of objects providing additional port copy
        configuration extensions at destination port for the 
        SMON-MIB module. This group is deprecated by 
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 5 }

smonExtensions4Group OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing additional port copy
        configuration extensions for agent that supports SPAN
        session concept."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 6 }

smonExtensions5Group OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         { portCopySessionType }
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing additional port copy
        configuration extensions for agent that supports local
        and remote SPAN."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 7 }

smonExtensions6Group OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing additional port copy
        information for the SMON-MIB module."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 8 }

smonExtensions7Group OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing additional port copy
        configuration extensions for agent that supports reflector 
        port for SPAN session."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 9 }

rmonAlarmConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing additional RMON
        configurations to control number alarms and to enable/disable
        alarms in the alarmTable in RMON-MIB."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 10 }

smonExtensions8Group OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing additional port copy
        configuration extensions for agent that supports ingress
        traffic at destination port for the SPAN session."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 11 }

crcSpanSessionGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing SPAN session information."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 12 }

crcERSpanSessionGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          deprecated
        "A collection of objects providing ERSPAN session information."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 13 }

    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing ERSPAN copy source or
        copy destination information."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 14 }

crcSpanDstPermitListGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects used to control selection of
        destination port information."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 15 }

smonExtensions9Group OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         { crcSpanSessionDescr }
    STATUS          current
        "Providing SPAN session description information."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 16 }

    OBJECTS         { crcERSpanIFOption }
    STATUS          current
        "Providing additional port copy configuration extensions
        for agent that supports ingress traffic at destination
        port for the ERSPAN session."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 17 }

crcERSpanSessionGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing ERSPAN session information."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 18 }

crcSpanEgressReplicationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing SPAN egress packets
        replication mode information."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 19 }

crcSpanCapacityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS         {
    STATUS          current
        "A collection of objects providing SPAN capacity information."
    ::= { ciscoRmonConfigGroups 20 }